Tuesday, June 17, 2008

internet friends

remember when it was cra-zay-zy! to say you met someone online - whether it was for romance or otherwise? for me it's become more and more the norm. i have this amazing group of internet friends that i usually refer to as "my online mommies" and they are the ultimate support group. even better, they are a sounding board, a friend to chat with who's available at any hour. and now that we're preparing for the 3rd of what has become an annual gathering, they are real flesh and blood friends. in the best, most real sense. the only downside is that they're not available to babysit. heh.

speaking of which, sometimes you meet people who aren't across the universe from you! and just the other day ella and i managed to get together with jenandtonic and her marvellous daughter charlotte. it was a thrill to watch our shy girls hit it off like crazy. ella, who has been clingy to the point where she won't even go upstairs in our own house without me, wandered off to another room and another floor with charlotte after ... oh, 10 minutes? i was kind of boggled. awestruck. needless to say, cutenesses abounded. and i can't wait to do it again. and jen is my hero because she blogs for a freaking living. at least in part.

end ramble.

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